Monthly Home Maintenance Service
Have you been wanting that yard that everyone talks about? The greenest yard on the block or the most wonderful looking landscaping? Maybe you want them all! Like most people, you want the best looking yard you can get, but there is just not enough time in the day. As most people, I have been struggling with getting my house to the standard that I want it. I hear all the time, “It looks fine”,” Don’t worry”, ”You’re busy!” But man I want a great looking yard when I pull up at the end of the day. There is nothing like a beautiful manicured yard when you get home.
We have come up with a solution for this, “ A home Maintenance program”. We have created a custom program that can meet all your needs for the outside of your home. After managing multiple properties on my own for over 15 years, I have figured out there is a huge gap in the Home maintenance program. So I decided to step out and solve this problem!. I am here to be the first and last person you talk to for your outside French drain Tulsa needs.

Does this sound like something that is too good to be true? Maybe it is! Lets see if this program could be something that could make your world a better place. Our goal is to make your home the serenity spot that you deserve. We want you to come home and be relaxed. There is no reason for you to come home and need to do this and that all evening when that is all you’ve been doing all day at work. I hear people all the time talk about the different things that they need done around the house but just don’t have the time. Or you may just not know how to do the things you need to do. We are here to help. We have been doing this outdoor thing for over 20 years. Leave it to us to help solve all your French drain Tulsa problems!
Are you tired of the run around of finding multiple different people to do everything around your house? It seems like you have this one guy that can cut the grass and pull the weeds but he can not do anything else. So then you are looking for the other guy that comes over and sprays for all those weeds coming up. Ugh now I need to schedule him around the mow guy! Let us take care of this! O yeah, I want some flowers planted in the front beds. What do you plant? You had the past mow guy plant those one flowers like 3 years ago, And just loved them. Now the new mow guy doesn’t do the flowers or doesn’t know what kind they are. So it is just a guess for what you’re going to get this year! And then will they live? He just throws them in the ground. No fertilizer, No water, O yeah there is a sprinkler system. But does it work and will it even spray the new flowers? There are all kinds of problems with the old sprinkler system. It sprays half of the flowers but I need the other heads adjusted. O Man the flower guy doesnt know sprinklers! Ugh! Now you need a sprinkler system guy. Does this sound like how your springs go? Let us take care of this. We can do it all and schedule it all for you and make sure it gets done right! We have come up with a customized program for your yard. We will schedule and maintain all the outside French drain Tulsa systems for you! Let us take the burden of scheduling and maintaining all your yard systems.
Now that we have solved the grass problems! What about all those plants in your flower beds? Are you the Master Gardner? Sometimes with all the crazy Oklahoma weather it seems like you need the degree to stay up with all the ups and downs of the weather. We have experts that have been doing this for over 20 years! When do you need to water? And How much water do you need? These are questions we get all the time! The sprinkler company will program the system for you. The problem is though, They are not landscapers, They are sprinkler guys! Their job is for the system to work. Most of the time! They look and see grass. Is it Bermuda, Fescue or Zoysia? Maybe some other type! They just look and go grass so let’s spray for 25 mins. This is not a knock on them, It is just they are not trained for landscaping but only irrigation. You need to have someone that can customize your system to accommodate the ground where you live! Maybe you live on a big rock! And you need to water twice as much. They don’t know that. Let us take care of these things for you! We will create a custom French drain Tulsa program just for your yard. The crazy thing is over time it will change! As trees grow and landscaping matures, Your system needs to change with it. Let us work with you to make your yard the most beautiful on the block! For new systems and lawns it will take upwards of a full year to get the proper coverage and watering designed for your yard.
Now we have the grass and the landscaping looking amazing. What about all the trees around the yard? They are always in need of some maintenance, or disease control. Who do you call? Maybe the spray guy, The yard guy won’t know anything about a tree! What about the landscaping guy? They just plant them. They don’t fix them! Well we can help! I personally have been working with trees for over 30 years! I have planted over 2000 trees with a 99% success rate! Not too shabby! WE have planted trees upwards of 30’ tall! We know a thing or two about trees. We have guys that can help fix all the crazy problems that trees have! O yeah it needs trimming now. We have guys that can take care of that for you also!
Now what about the outside of the house? Like the sidewalks, French drain Tulsa, driveways, siding, and gutters. Now you need to find another couple people to help with these problems! Maybe not, We can take care of this for you! What…..! Yeah you heard me, We can take care of this for you also. We do everything outside your house! We are Outside inc.!
Well the windows and the siding are looking a little ruff. They need a good cleaning. Who do you go find to do this? Just call us up! O wait a minute! This is part of a service we provide once a year. We will clean the sidewalks and driveway for your house once per year. O man those windows shure would look nice if they ever were cleaned. O yeah, Well we do a monthly contract for this also! Now at about this time of the paragraph you are just going ok these French drain Tulsa guys are Amazing! Or maybe just a little crazy! Either works! But we are here to take care of all your Outside Inc. Choirs! Our goal is to make your home look like the house of your dreams!
It all comes down to this, We can make your life so much better! Let us take the burden of all your outdoor home maintenance choirs away. So when you come home you can spend it with the family on the back porch or out for the weekend. Not needing to worry if you don’t get this done this weekend it will be twice as bad next week. Or Are you just tired of the wife being on your case about getting that koi pond looking like it is Japan and not in Oklahoma? We are here for all your Outside French drain Tulsa Services! We have been saving Marriages for Over 20 years and counting!